YOU tell me you once ran off a black couple, with a baseball bat. YOU say they were looking at a house for sale across the street and YOU did not want them to move into YOUR neighborhood. Black folks always bring down the property values, YOU said.
and you tell me I need Jesus...
YOU tell everyone that YOU have a perfect marriage and that YOUR husband is the best father YOUR children could ever have. Yet at home YOU are scared to death of him. He yells and screams at you and tells YOU things like "If YOU leave me I will take YOUR children away" and "YOUR fat ass needs to lose some weight, because I don't want to have sex with a whale."
and you tell me I need Jesus...
YOU tell me that YOU had to stop on the side of the interstate, pull your two little girls out of the car and "Whip the shit out of both of them until they were both in tears."
and you tell me I need Jesus...
You tell me it is OK to cheat on YOUR spouse, because they are cheating on YOU. YOU have been fucking and sucking several of his friends for years. I hope he does not kill YOU when he finds out.
and you tell me I need Jesus...
YOU tell everyone about YOUR loser friend that lives off the government. YOU tell them that YOU are sick and tired of paying for scum like her to live off YOUR tax dollars. Yet, YOU are sweet and nice anytime she comes over, and YOU have no problem leaving YOUR kids with her when YOU want to go out.
and you tell me I need Jesus...
YOU beat up a white guy because YOU don't want him going out with a black girl. The black girl is YOUR cousin and YOU say YOU are doing it to protect her. She agrees not to see the white guy anymore so YOU and YOUR friends will not hurt him anymore. Then YOU have the nerve to say that YOU are not racist because YOU are black.
and you tell me I need Jesus...
YOU sit and premeditate on how many ways YOU are going to hurt someone, first with words and later with hands. YOU pray to god to forgive YOU for what YOU are about to do. Then YOU use YOUR words to rip a woman apart, piece by piece, because she did not do a good enough job at work today. She leaves in tears, her spirit crushed, and never comes back to work. YOU never even trained her on what she was supposed to do.
and you tell me I need Jesus...
YOU have a horrible breakup with YOUR boyfriend, because he was sleeping around on YOU. YOU are so low YOU don't know if you can ever get back up again. I watch YOU slowly get back to work, one and sometimes two jobs. YOU buy a car with cash money. Then YOU rent an apartment and go back to college to finish YOUR degree. YOU graduate and get a good job and move to another state. I am so proud of YOU and commend YOU for all YOUR hard work. Then YOU tell me I should be thanking Jesus because YOU could not have done it without his help. ??? I say it was YOU, YOU are one of the strongest people I know. As I walk away from our relationship in tears, hoping YOU will learn how strong YOU are... and you tell me it is over unless.....
and you tell me I need Jesus...
YOU ask me to bring my kids to YOUR Sunday School Service. Then YOU proceed to tell me that YOU hate "faggots" and "queers." YOU tell me that God says same sex relationships are wrong and those people need to be punished for their sins.
and you tell me I need Jesus...
YOU tell me that Hurricane Katrina was God's wrath for the gambling, corruption, drinking, and sex in New Orleans. YOU say that the world would be better off without "those" kinds of people and that not enough of them died.
and you tell me I need Jesus...
YOU tell me that the Mexicans have taken all the jobs and YOU can't find work. YOU tell me that they will work for pennies on the dollar and are ruining America. I wonder how YOU can afford a 24 pack of beer and two packs of cigarettes a day, while you sit on your front porch doing absolutely nothing.
and you tell me I need Jesus...
YOU send out dirty texts with jokes and pictures about "niggers" to people you call your friends. YOU say "the only good nigger is one that is hanging from a tree."
and you tell me I need Jesus...
YOU tell me how much fun you have at your house. YOU lure cats to your porch with milk and food. Then YOU "bash their heads in with a metal baseball bat."
and you tell me I need Jesus...
YOU openly make fun of YOUR secretaries skin condition. YOU stir up people and try to get everyone else at work to make fun of her too. YOU send out texts and emails to everyone in YOUR office, making fun of her. She goes home every night and cries herself to sleep. Even though she can not afford to lose her job, she ends up quitting and almost loses everything she has. She later reveals that YOUR dumb ass was sending all those messages to her to because YOU don't know how to work YOUR computer or phone. YOU also forwarded others replies to her as well.
and you tell me I need Jesus...
YOU brag how YOUR woman stays at home taking care of the kids. She wants to go back to work, but YOU won't let her. YOU say women are only good for cooking, cleaning, fucking and making men food. YOU have demoralized her and made he feel like no one else would ever want her. She stays at home doing everything YOU ask and lives in misery.
and you tell me I need Jesus...
OK, I vented and I am done. I could go on for another hour or two. I assure you all these things have happened. These very same people will talk about doing something heinous to another human being or animal, and five minutes later be telling me that "YOU need Jesus in YOUR life." "YOU should come to church with me on Sunday." I get so tired of living in the South sometimes. It is a place full of hypocrisy, backstabbers, and pure selfishness. Yet, there are some good people here. The ones that will help you no matter what, where, when or how you are. Those are the ones that make me forget about all the evil as fuck people, cutting each other's throats to get ahead. There are some that will give you the shirt off their backs, the last dollar in their wallets, the last bit of food they have. The ones that keep my hope alive, weather or not I beLIEve in Jesus.